UNEATLANTICO meets with the Department of Education of Cantabria to discuss possible collaborations in the DigitalTA project

Josep Alemany and Thomas Prola, responsible for the Erasmus Plus project DigitalTA (2022-2025), met last April 26th at the campus of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) (UNEATLANTICO) in Santander with Guillermo González, Chief of the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Accreditation of the Department of Education, Vocational Training, and Tourism of the Government of Cantabria, to discuss possible cooperation strategies.

Read more: UNEATLANTICO meets with the Department of Education of Cantabria to discuss possible collaborations in the DigitalTA project

At the meeting, the result of the collaboration agreement between the General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Inspection of the Department of Education, Vocational Training, and Tourism of Cantabria and UNEATLANTICO analyzed the current status of the project and reviewed the various lines of joint action for the proper development and implementation of the project, in which current and future teachers in Cantabria will have a prominent role.

To this end, different activities will be carried out to disseminate and publicize the project, and the professionals targeted by this initiative will be involved in different processes:

On the one hand, primary and secondary school teachers recently graduated and incorporated to an educational center will participate in the design of the digital tools and in the pilot experiences of the project. Students of the Teacher Training Degree and Master in Teacher Training will also play an important role, collaborating in the review and co-design process of the digital tools, as well as in the pilot training sessions.

In addition, Higher Education teacher trainers will be invited to participate in the practical training and, especially, in the tutoring of the teacher training students who will participate in the design process of the new tutoring and mentoring tool. In addition, experienced teachers and mentors from primary and secondary education, in charge of young teachers and with tutoring responsibilities in their schools, will be invited to collaborate during the pilot learning activities. Finally, participation in the pilot experiences and the development of the platform will be offered to official teacher training organizations.

The project aims to improve the practical education of teacher training students and young teachers in European Union countries, curtailing professional attrition when transitioning between learning to teach and teaching to learn.