UNEATLANTICO-led project DigitalTA selected for new Erasmus+ Professor Academies

The European Commission has announced the first projects selected for the new Erasmus+ Professor Academies. Among these is DigitalTA, led by the European University of the Atlantic and FUNIBER, in addition to other international partners.

The DigitalTA project is a Digital Academy that focuses on the transition of professors from education to practice, competence development for classroom work through case studies, but above all the support of a learning community, a peer community of European student professors, university professors and continuing education teachers, creation of learning communities and case studies to prevent early leaving the profession.

Thus, the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE), the Spanish agency for the development and management of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme for Education and Training in Spain, organised together with the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), with the support of the European Commission, a conference to inform institutions interested in submitting projects for Erasmus+ Professor Academies.

Representing UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER, Thomas Prola said that it is an initiative that seeks to “promote a European culture for teacher training, creating an international network of educators in transition and, in this way, prevent the early abandonment of the teaching profession, a major problem for the countries involved in the project”.

The event was held under a hybrid modality (face-to-face and online), with the presence of representatives of the participating institutions, in the city of Toledo (Spain). The event provided information on the context of the creation of the initiative, key aspects for the presentation of projects, as well as a table with good practices of the selected projects.