Project partners will participate on April 4 at 18:00 hours (CET) in the webinar “DigitalTA: Building a European model for teacher transition.”
Organized by the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), a partner organization of the project, the event will be attended by Josep Alemany, DigitalTA project coordinator and teacher at UNEATLANTICO; Thomas Prola, Project Manager at FUNIBER; Rachel Lenihan, lecturer at the University of Limerick (UL) in Ireland; and Jiří Kropáč, researcher at the Palacký University of Olomouc in the Czech Republic.
The early research carried out during the first year of the project will be analyzed during the event.
We will first review the shared European experiences regarding the processes of initial and continuous practical teacher training. The report presented by the project partners aims to address the needs of educational challenges around the world, especially in transition, as well as to seek bridges on how to react to needs in initial preparation, transition, and cooperation among practicing teachers.
The speakers will also focus on another research project aimed at developing a harmonized European model of practical training to provide guidance and support to in-service teachers. The purpose of this report is to present the basis of the reflective model of online guidance and accompaniment for students and education professionals who are in the first years of their professional practice in primary and secondary schools. It is based on a pedagogical approach to meet the needs of teachers beginning their training, taking full advantage of the potential of information and communication technologies.
The event is free of charge. Those interested in accessing the program should register at the following link.
The project’s main objective is to improve the practical education of pre-service and in-service school teachers throughout the countries of the European Union, thereby reducing the number of school dropouts.
The project, led by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), also counts on the collaboration of different European institutions: Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences (AP), University of Limerick (UL), Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci de Olomouc, Uniwersytet Jana
Josep Alemany, the project coordinator and a professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), recently took part in the Spanish radio program Euroconexión, following the agreement between the Association of Spanish University Radio Broadcasters and the European Parliament to discuss the project’s progress.
Selected by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture among the eleven best projects for the 2021 call for proposals, Erasmus+ DigitalTA (2022-25) is of great importance in the Cantabrian, national and European educational field. This is an initiative co-funded by the European Union that proposes the design and implementation of an open digital resource to improve the transition of studies and practices of student teachers and new teachers. To this end, a learning community has been created where they can find solutions and answers to their day-to-day experiences as teachers.
Throughout the broadcast, Alemany emphasizes that the project's main objective is to improve the practical training of teachers within the member states of the European Union, before and during the exercise of their profession. The initiative seeks to curtail the dropout rate from teaching professions, one of the many challenges facing education in Europe.
Almany emphasized the lack of student experience at the end of their academic process and offered a message of hope: "If you've been lucky enough to develop your skills adequately throughout your undergraduate degree and supplemented it with experience, and you're also restless and listen to people who want to support you and help you while you're developing your profession in your early career, you're going to end up becoming a good teacher."
It is worth mentioning that DigitalTA is the only project of its kind led by a Spanish university. The initiative, enables collaboration and relations between various institutions and countries, and responds to the European concern on improving the quality of teachers and professors.
If you are interested in the field of education, we invite you to tune in to the Euroconexión episode, which you can listen to via the player below.
Josep Alemany, the project coordinator and a professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), recently took part in the Spanish radio program Euroconexión, following the agreement between the Association of Spanish University Radio Broadcasters and the European Parliament to discuss the project’s progress.
Selected by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture among the eleven best projects for the 2021 call for proposals, Erasmus+ DigitalTA (2022-25) is of great importance in the Cantabrian, national and European educational field. This is an initiative co-funded by the European Union that proposes the design and implementation of an open digital resource to improve the transition of studies and practices of student teachers and new teachers. To this end, a learning community has been created where they can find solutions and answers to their day-to-day experiences as teachers.
Throughout the broadcast, Alemany emphasizes that the project's main objective is to improve the practical training of teachers within the member states of the European Union, before and during the exercise of their profession. The initiative seeks to curtail the dropout rate from teaching professions, one of the many challenges facing education in Europe.
Almany emphasized the lack of student experience at the end of their academic process and offered a message of hope: "If you've been lucky enough to develop your skills adequately throughout your undergraduate degree and supplemented it with experience, and you're also restless and listen to people who want to support you and help you while you're developing your profession in your early career, you're going to end up becoming a good teacher."
It is worth mentioning that DigitalTA is the only project of its kind led by a Spanish university. The initiative, enables collaboration and relations between various institutions and countries, and responds to the European concern on improving the quality of teachers and professors.
If you are interested in the field of education, we invite you to tune in to the Euroconexión episode, which you can listen to via the player below.
The Ministry of Education of Cantabria (Spain) will collaborate in the Erasmus+ DigitalTA (2022-25) project led by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) with the participation of multiple European academic institutions.
This collaboration was consolidated after the signing of an agreement by María Mercedes García Pérez, General Director of Innovation and Educational Inspection of the Government of Cantabria, and Josep Alemany Iturriaga, Project Manager of the DigitalTA project and professor at UNEATLANTICO.
The agreement signed at the Regional Ministry is of utmost importance for the project's successful development, and reflects how well both institutions agree on projects aimed at improving education in Cantabria and the European Community.
It is worth recalling that the Erasmus + DigitalTA project (2022-25) aims to improve the practical education of teacher training students and young teachers in European Union countries, reducing professional attrition when transitioning between learning to teach and teaching to learn.
This collaboration, under the coordination and supervision of the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Accreditation (UTEA), with further collaboration from the Teaching Consultancy responsible for the Development of Digital Competence in Cantabria, will include the dissemination and divulgation of the project's activities, among other actions. Furthermore, it will involve participation from different stakeholders (graduates, master's students, professors, etc.) during the design of the digital to
A teacher training program is a program that equips teachers with techniques and modern pedagogy strategies that helps them to better connect with, manage, and teach to their students in a manner which ensures that all students are learning and benefitting.
The partners of the European project Erasmus + DigitalTA (2022-25), led by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) held a presentation at the university campus located in Santander on the 30th of September, 2022. The project is aimed at proposing the design and implementation of a digital resource open to all educational agents that improves the transition of studies and practices of student teachers and novice teachers.
Teacher training programs are of different types and forms: There are short term, medium term and long term programs which are conducted online or offline. The teacher needs to understand from the perspective of the student as to what would make a classroom session significantly more intriguing. Every training course designed for teachers offers practical classroom sessions as an integral part of the course, with each candidate being mentored for making the classroom teaching sessions more engaging and interesting for the benefit of the students.
Here are some of the benefits of teacher training:
Professional growth
When teachers attend training programs, it gives them the opportunity for continuous professional development - to learn new ways, methods, strategies, skills and tools. When teachers get upskilled they automatically feel confident, happy and motivated to achieve greater things with their students.
Better student management
As a teacher it is important to know, understand and analyze students effectively. Only then can they know how to teach their students. Teacher training programs help teachers to better understand and therefore, better manage their students.
Dr. Rachel Lenihan from the University of Limerick (Ireland) spoke about how their school is working on building partnerships from campus to classroom and making sure students are supported during their transition to teaching, as well as providing support for current teachers, both in and out of the classroom.
Impacts students indirectly
A teacher training program not just impacts teachers but also students. A single teacher who is upskilled can go on to impact thousands of students. Teachers have a big role to play in nation building because students are the citizens of tomorrow.
At the end of the conference after students had the opportunity to ask questions, Dr. Jiri Kropac from the Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci in Olomouc (Czech Republic) answered a question about what values the DigitalTA project is hoping to defend in teacher training at universities. “We want to transfer our values to students,” answered Kropac, “and even if we cannot get them to believe them, we want to give them the opportunity to think about teaching morals in a different way”.
It is also important to not only train new teachers, but also continued training for teachers who have been working for a long time. Even the best teachers will begin to lag behind if they don’t continue to strive for excellence. The reason why continuing teacher training is so important for educational excellence is simple: teachers need to be given regular training opportunities in order to stay at the top of their game.
Jesús Solera from the Centro de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa de Segovia (Spain) discussed the importance of facilitating training of teachers both in pre-service training and in-service teaching. This includes enhancing the detection of training needs of the teaching staff, and using evaluation as an instrument for improvement.
Teacher training gives the teacher a theoretical and practical education on the nuances of teaching students how to accomplish their greatest potential. Without this training, the teachers will not be in a position to provide proper guidance, and that will affect the foundation of the education being built.
The project is aimed at proposing the design and implementation of a digital resource open to all educational agents that improves the transition of studies and practices of student teachers and novice teachers.