The auditorium of the European University of the Atlantic was the scene of a European meeting on teaching transition, carried out within the framework of the Erasmus + DigitalTA project led by the academic institution and in which different European universities and educational centers participate in.
The event was attended by a group of professors from UNEATLANTICO and representatives of the collaborating institutions of; Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci in Olomouc (Czech Republic), University of Limerick (Ireland), AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium), Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach (Poland), the Centro de Formación del Profesorado de Segovia (Spain), the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER), the Świętokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Kielcach (Poland) and the Association of European Teachers (ATTEE).
This activity was attended by students from the UNEATLANTICO Degree in Primary Education, who learned about the teaching transition in other European countries and ask questions to the partners. The meeting was broadcast live on the YouTube channels of UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER.
In this sense, the representatives of the collaborating institutions held different meetings, activities, and workshops at the University Campus during the past week, getting to know first-hand how the University works and the available facilities for educating its students.
Erasmus+DigitalTA (2022-2025)
The DigitalTA project (2022-2025), selected by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (Brussels) among the eleven best projects out of more than 50 in the 2021 call, has much relevance in the Cantabrian, national, and European educational field.
This initiative proposes the design and implementation of a digital resource open to all educational players in improving the transition of studies and practices of student and novice teachers through the creation of a learning community where they can find solutions and answers to their everyday teaching experiences.
This is the only project of its kind led by a Spanish university, which seeks to respond to the European concern of improving the quality of teachers and professors throughout the community through initiatives such as this project, enabling collaboration and relationships between different institutions and countries, while also providing feedback and give rise to a digital environment in which future, novice, and experienced teachers who mentor them will improve their skills based on shared experiences.
The partners of the European project Erasmus + Digital TA (2022-25), led by the European University of the Atlantic in which the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is a participant, will meet at the university campus located in Santander between September 27 and 30. The objective of this first face-to-face meeting is to share progress on the project, where they will establish and strengthen the bases of the project based on a framework of the different European contexts involved. Moreover, during these days, tasks will be distributed and quality indicators will be designed to ensure their proper development over the next three years.
The project, selected by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) among the eleven best out of more than 50 submitted in the call for 2021, has a great relevance in the Cantabrian, national and European educational field as a proposal for the design and implementation of a digital resource open to all educational agents toward improving the transition of studies and practices of student teachers and new teachers. All of this is thanks to the creation of a learning community where they can find solutions and answers to the day-to-day teaching experiences.
Thus, representatives of the collaborating universities of Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci in Olomouc (Czech Republic), University of Limerick (Ireland), AP Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium), Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach (Poland), the Centro de Formación del Profesorado de Segovia (Spain), the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER), the Świętokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Kielcach (Poland) and the Association of European Teachers (ATTEE), will visit the university campus and get to know the facilities.
These partners will make a presentation about the institution they represent and the role they play in the project and will also have the opportunity to share different ideas and proposals. For four days, meetings, workshops, and activities related to the project will take place, such as the one that will take place at the end of the meeting, in which the partners will talk about the teaching transition in their countries. The students attending will also be able to ask questions, with cultural activities promoting the excellence of Santander and Cantabria.
Professors Josep Alemany, Juan Luis Vidal, Raquel Vallines, Samuel Allende and the academic director of the degree in Primary Education, Dr. Laura García Valladares will all participant on behalf of the European University of the Atlantic. Students of this degree will have the opportunity to attend an activity for disseminating the teaching transition that will take place in the Assembly Hall of the University with the European partners, which will be broadcast live on the UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER YouTube channels.
The European Commission has announced the first projects selected for the new Erasmus+ Professor Academies. Among these is DigitalTA, led by the European University of the Atlantic and FUNIBER, in addition to other international partners.
The DigitalTA project is a Digital Academy that focuses on the transition of professors from education to practice, competence development for classroom work through case studies, but above all the support of a learning community, a peer community of European student professors, university professors and continuing education teachers, creation of learning communities and case studies to prevent early leaving the profession.
Thus, the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE), the Spanish agency for the development and management of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme for Education and Training in Spain, organised together with the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), with the support of the European Commission, a conference to inform institutions interested in submitting projects for Erasmus+ Professor Academies.
Representing UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER, Thomas Prola said that it is an initiative that seeks to “promote a European culture for teacher training, creating an international network of educators in transition and, in this way, prevent the early abandonment of the teaching profession, a major problem for the countries involved in the project”.
The event was held under a hybrid modality (face-to-face and online), with the presence of representatives of the participating institutions, in the city of Toledo (Spain). The event provided information on the context of the creation of the initiative, key aspects for the presentation of projects, as well as a table with good practices of the selected projects.
The European project Erasmus + DigitalTA (2022-25), led by the European University of the Atlantic has been invited to speak at the European Ministerial Conference “Embedding European perspectives in teacher development”, which was held on March 3 in person and online.
The project (2022-2025), selected among eleven projects submitted in the first European call “Teacher Academies” was presented last week in an online event promoted by the European Commission together with two other projects approved in the Teacher Academies 2021 call.
The conference focused specifically on the European mobility of teachers and future teachers and, more generally, on the emergence of a European teacher community centered on the example of the initiative proposed by the European Commission with the first Erasmus + teacher academies.
UNEATLANTICO participated online in the event by broadcasting a video presentation prepared by the European Projects Coordinator, Thomas Prola, on behalf of the rector of UNEATLANTICO, Rubén Calderón.
The project (2022-2025) aims at improving the practical training of student teachers and young school teachers in EU countries, reducing professional attrition, at the time of transition between learning to teach and teaching to learn. Led by UNEATLANTICO, it counts with scientific and technological teams from FUNIBER, Jan Kochanowski University (Poland), University of Limerick (Ireland), and Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic).
It also has the inclusion in the working team of the continuing education institutes of the Świętokrzyskie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli -ŚCDN- (Poland) and the Center for Teacher Training and Educational Innovation of Segovia (CFIE), as well as partner institutions such as the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), among others.